A Taste of Heaven ~ 23 Apr 2015

Recently a group of students in Bishop, California, in the Earth to Sky Calculus group launched a space weather buoy to the edge of the stratosphere in an effort to learn more about solar emanations - and they did so on Saint Patty’s Day, during significant solar activity. On their buoy they attached packages of brewers’ and bakers’ yeast. When the buoy returned, bread was made from the yeast. They say it rose abundantly and the bread was absolutely... out of this world.

That’s one way to get a taste of heaven.

Another way is to apply the current transits with conscious attention, diligence and the highest of aspiration.

Last post, the upcoming Jupiter to Saturn square was mentioned as a collective goal bench mark. Those persons using this pattern stand to reap significant results. Those unaware and not fully applying the pattern typically would use this aspect as a stop-loss date - if it doesn’t happen by... then I’m done with it.

Recently, we’ve dealt with Mercury and Mars in Taurus squaring Jupiter, and Venus in Gemini sextiling the grand one. Were plans to monetize goals and capitalize on blips of consciousness garnered? Hopefully, and if not, it’s time to anticipate an upcoming square between the two most massive bodies in the solar system - the Sun in Taurus square Jupiter in Leo. Sounds like a lot of talk about how one’s grand idea... and more, their presence and involvement in pretty much anything is worth more than enough. Well, that’s one way to accentuate the promise of this transit, exactly aligning on May 3rd and in effect for three to five days on either side.

Other ways might be to:

Indicate the universal appeal and benefit to pretty much everyone of the plan/project you have in mind.

Clearly state the dedication and intent you bring to the project.

Reveal a well-defined budget, anticipated return for the money invested without overstated grandiose expectations that sound like “half the people out there will do this, get on board, subscribe, follow, invest, use, etc.”

Define the stick to it-iveness required. The Sun and Jupiter transit fixed signs. Things initiated under the influence of fixed signs likely require patient attention over the long haul, guided by impeccable long term vision.

And a caution... it may be a good time to breakaway from the “start-up” investment consciousness, you know “I’ll get in at the beginning, do virtually nothing for minimal input, and walk away wealthy.” There are economic pundits out there who smell a start-up bubble. Astrologically, it makes sense.

Meanwhile, there are some other cool Jupiterian influences to harness before the August alignment of the two most famous and colorful gaseous giants (Jupiter and Saturn).

On May 20th Jupiter forms one of those “you must adjust” quincunxes to Pluto. Yep, while you want to the other person/thing to modify position, adjust to your thinking, bend over a Pilate ball to make it work your way, likely you will be the one in yield and edit mode. It’s a good thing. Here Jupiter and Pluto sit with you and ask what you think. What you really think... not what you believe to be the correct or socially appropriate answer. What do you really want? How bad to you want it? Are you at the “be willing to be larger than life” point yet? If not, adjust, expand, enrich, infuse until you are.

Next up for Jupiter in terms of major transits, as the season’s change, on June 20th, he trines Uranus in Aries. The doctrine declared: Change does not have to be difficult. You do not have to give up what you want, who you are, or your favorite logo-bearing head gear. Realize this is an upgrade, enhance and improve cycle. While a short time out for reboot may be necessary, it will be worth it. Says Jupiter, “Prove me right (again).”

On June 30th Jupiter again forms a quincunx, this time with Chiron. This pattern presents a reaction-adjustment time. If your feelings got hurt because someone said something about what you’re doing and it felt disrespectful, undermining or demeaning, was that the way the comment was intended? What if it was intended to be helpful but lacked in empathy, execution and enlightenment of delivery? Can the input still be heard, processed and used to upgrade your rendering?

The Jupiter-Chiron transit is great. After all, it was Jupiter who absolved Chiron’s wound by giving him immortality in the heavens.

Also in the category of very groovy cool transits is the trine of Jupiter to Eris on July 10th. Say you want a revolution? This is it. According to the ancient lore, when a political election did not match Jupiter’s picture of ideal, he summoned Eris, enlisted Mercury, and arranged a reversal of the motion of the heavens for but one day in order to shift perspective and perception.

The question here: What must you do to get those whose interest you require to shift the way they look at things? How do you get them out of the box and running circles around it? How do you break herd mentality, point out mainstream consciousness and deliver the merits and detriments of consensus reality? During this transit, Jupiter in Leo and Eris in Aries (as with the June 21st trine) occupy self-referential signs. You must remain the ultimate authority in actions you take. You’re in charge of how you go about things and you, as much as any mortal can be under cosmic influence, hold the torch of creating incidents and circumstances that incite positive change and progressive development.

How cool is that? Well, according to high-flying yeast reaching above and beyond the limits of Earth-based view and into intensified cosmic radiation, it is a taste of heaven.

More soon.